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AHK dành cho gangter

 AHK dành Cho Gangster

SendInput t/me Lay mot khau sung [Deagle, Spas12, M4...] ra tu that lung - Bat chot an toan [ ON/OFF ].{enter} t/reload 2{enter}
Sleep 200
Sendinput t/do Click Clack - Da nap xong bang dan {enter}
Sleep 200
Sendinput t/s READY TO FIRE {enter}

SendInput t/washhands{enter}
sleep 500
SendInput t/me Cam vao o khoa cua canh cua - Xoay mot vong - Canh cua mo ra - Buoc vao trong nhe nhang.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/enter{enter}

SendInput t/washhands{enter}
sleep 500
SendInput t/me Cam vao o khoa cua canh cua - Xoay mot vong - Canh cua mo ra - Buoc ra ngoai va khoa cua lai.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/exit{enter}

SendInput t/quitjob{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/nhanviec{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/chapnhan congviec{enter}
sleep 5
SendInput t/do Da Lam Xong Hop Dong{enter}

SendInput t/me Car Lights [ ON/OFF ].{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/xe den{enter}

SendInput t/me Chap nhan mua mot ao giap tu ve si.{enter}
SendInput t/do Mat ao giap len nguoi an toan.{enter}
sleep 5
SendInput t/chapnhan aogiap{enter}

SendInput t/misc 1{enter}
sleep 800
SendInput t/me Cam hop dung cu sua xe - Cuoi nguoi xuong va tien hanh sua chua.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/do Da tim ra bo phan hu hong cua chiec xe - Lay dung cu thich hop de sua chua.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/fix{enter}

SendInput t/me Tho tay vao tui quan - Moc ra cai remot - Xu ly bam nut xoan.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/do [ 1/1 ] Gara xe tien hanh mo ra - Chon mot con xe thich hop de van chuyen.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/chinhxe{enter}

SendInput t/b Please wait 5s after that. I'm newb help.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/newb @

SendInput t/me Nhoai nguoi ra phia sau - De ne tranh nguy hiem.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/fallover 4{enter}

SendInput t/xe engine{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/me Lay chia khoa ra tu trong tui quan - Cam vao o cam cua chiec xe - Mo dong co xe [ ON ].{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/do [ Broom - Broom ] - Khoi da nha ra tu ong bo cua chiec xe.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/do Chiec xe no may thanh cong - Bat dau nhan gar or dap ban dap de chay.{enter}

SendInput t/xe engine{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/me Dua tay cam vao chiec chia khoa - Rut chia khoa bo vao tui quan.{enter}
sleep 10
SendInput t/do Dong co cua xe da duoc tat an toan [ OFF ].{enter}

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